32 Days until Christmas: Valuable tips to decorating the Tree

The true magic of Christmas is the tree. I remember sitting in front of it for hours as a child as though the weight of my small world disappeared. The twinkle of lights was pure delight. Confessions of a tree stalker, I am always looking for the next great idea for tree decorations. I like to suggest if you are starting from scratch that you use the classics for the base of your investment. Try silver, gold, champagne or red and green. These are easily added to year after year.

Follow these important tips in decorating your tree. Yes, there is a process to decorating the tree, especially if embellishment is a part of this year’s décor. A couple of times I have found myself stripping the tree aghast that I forgot the order of assembly. This example will be using gold, silver and accents of green. It is my elegant tree.

  1. Tree standing straight and lower branches trimmed off the tree (for fresh trees). For artificial, take the time to fluff every branch, stand back and make sure the tree is standing straight and branches are even all around.
  2. Turn on the strands of lights while decorating the tree, this way you can make sure of faulty lights early in the game. Many times I will purchase new to avoid this headache for fresh trees. Distribute lights evenly and go for more! A 7 ft. tree should have at least 700 lights! Check
  3. Wide ribbon is a great choice to fill in gap areas of the tree, tuck deep inside the tree. Then add a second and third ribbon to add more dimension and interest. Done
  4. Tree toppers are the centerpieces of the tree. Add this item next and anchor with zip ties or wire before breakables are added. I know traditionally the “star” is put on last but often times it makes it hard to stabilize when the tree is decorated. Plus toppers today are outrageously fun and elaborate. Glam it up
  5. Start with the larger ornaments and place strategically around the tree. Usually most will be staged around the middle of the tree for best effect. I always back away from the tree to make sure the tree is balanced. Looking good
  6. Now for those precious ornaments and bulbs!!!! I like to buy and create an overall tree of a single color as the first “layer”. This is effectively done by buying boxes all in one color and is a relatively inexpensive way to achieve a more unified tree. Spread the color around the tree. Different sizes of bulbs will add to nice dimension. Pick two or three colors!!! This year’s tree is gold, silver, champagne and green. For elegance I bought a variety of the same elegant Santa ornaments adding champagne and crystal picks that glitter amongst the lights. Enjoy

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